Sorry, Lincoln Elementary in Schenectady. I've been meaning to get your data up on my blog but I haven't kept up with it. Here it is a week late.
Mrs. Coman's class - 7 pellets: 17 mice, 3 shrews, 0 moles, 0 birds
Ms. Cuda's class - 8 pellets: 19 mice, 1 shrew, 0 moles, 0 birds
Ms. Miller's class - 7 pellets: 18 mice, 7 shrews, 0 moles, 0 birds
Mrs. Zebrowski's class - 6 pellets: 14 mice, 3 shrews, 0 moles, 0 birds
Totals for all four classes - 28 pellets: 68 mice, 14 shrews, 0 moles, 0 birds
Mice are definitely the most common food eaten by barn owls, with shrews the second most common. We don't have enough evidence to indicate which are more preferred, moles or birds.
Compare this data with the other owl pellets dissection that I've done with school written up here on this blog.